Here are my answers to Keely's questions:
1) Which 90s sitcom are you more attached to (if either), Saved By the Bell or Full House?
Oh man, I watched every episode of both! I was mainly attached to Full House because I totally had a crush on Uncle Jesse. Of course I had a crush on Zack Morris too! Hmmmm.....if I had to choose I'd say.....Saved By the Bell. Mostly because I can still watch re-runs of it and enjoy it--it was actually quite clever many times. But now when I watch Full House it's like 1) I have every episode memorized and 2) when the "learning a lesson" talk comes and that corny music plays, I cringe inside. But still, both great shows!
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I'd have to say.....Ross and Rachel from "Friends." I loooooove Friends, and I think their history together and how he's loved her since high school and she finally realizes they're soul mates after some ups and downs is so endearing and genuine. Since I'm a Friends nerd and have watched all the behind the scenes talks from the creators, they said that the original idea was a main love story between Joey and Monica, but that after a few episodes they realized the real chemistry was with Ross and Rachel. So true.
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4) Why did you start a blog?
I needed a place to write and cope with the changes of starting med school and get connected with lots of other med wives. I also aim to have this blog be sort of a journal of our journey through med school, what we've learned so far that can possibly help those on the road to med school understand what it's like, and update friends and family on our lives which now revolve around med school.
5) How long did you know your husband before you got married?
About 1 year.
6) What is something you always splurge on? (example: shoes)
My hair. I love getting highlights, but it's so expensive! I rationalize by telling myself that I really don't buy a lot of clothes, shoes, purses, makeup, or accessories (hey, I'm a simple girl), but I do love getting my hair done!
7) What is something you like to save on/bargain hunt for? (example: textbooks)
I especially like to save on diapers. That's one of the things I totally break out my phone calculator and calculate the cost per diaper to find the cheapest deal.
8) What is your guy's favorite thing that you cook?
My husband is waaaay better at cooking than I I'll say he probably likes my brownies and pancakes. Impressed??
Okay, so now I'm tagging these 8 great bloggers...
The Medical Student's Wife
Just Another Doctor's Wife
Dr. and Mrs.
Going Tropical a Life not my Own..
Wife of an MD (Well....almost)
Constant Chaos!
life of a doctor's wife answer these 8 questions!
1. How many tickets have you gotten and what for? (And if you've gotten out of one, how'd you do it??)
2. What is the best piece of advice you'd give to a wife whose husband is just starting med school?
3. What is your favorite movie quote?
4. What is your favorite mascara?
5. What do you like most about having a medical student/resident husband?
6. What do you like least about having a medical student/resident husband?
7. What do you love to eat despite the fact it's not healthy?
8. What do you do to relax when you get stressed?
If I didn't tag you and you are reading this and want to do it, you should! It's fun and your answers may be helpful to others....especially the one about mascara...that can be life-changing! ;)